As with any supplement, there always are concerns about safety and dosing. A common question regarding probiotics is whether you can take them every day, or is it better to take them periodically?
The answer for most of the general population: Yes! And you should be taking them every day to get the best benefit.
However, it is still important to remember that probiotics are a natural supplement and not a medicine, so are best taken as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.
This article discusses the use of probiotics, along with any safety concerns to take into consideration.
Read on to find out all you need to know about supplementing with probiotics!
What Are Probiotics?
There are trillions of organisms living inside of your gut, known as the gut microbiome. Many nutrition and lifestyle habits can have a negative effect on our gut bacteria, which has a knock-on effect on our health.
It’s incredibly important to look after your gut by living a healthy lifestyle with a balanced, varied diet.
However, sometimes there are signs we need a little help keeping our gut healthy, which is where probiotics come in handy!
Probiotics are live bacteria that are good for you and your digestive system. Many of us associate bacteria with illness and germs, however probiotics are the “good kind” of bacteria.
Probiotics help restore the natural balance of bacteria in your gut, particularly when it’s been disrupted by illness or treatment.
You can find probiotics in supplements and many foods like yogurt, and fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, and miso.
Why Should We Take Probiotics Every Day?
Some of the ways probiotics may help someone include:
- After a course of antibiotics
- To help balance the good and bad bacteria to keep your gut healthy
Antibiotics are used to treat some types of bacterial infections. While antibiotics are a great medicinal discovery, they are designed to wipe out all kinds of bacteria, whether that be good or bad.
As a result of this, our microbiome is negatively impacted. To help prevent this, it’s often recommended to supplement with probiotics either during or after a course of antibiotics (whichever your doctor recommends) to help replenish the good bacteria.
On the other hand, taking probiotics on a more general health basis is also beneficial. Many lifestyle and environmental factors can have a negative impact on our gut, so taking a daily probiotic would help your gut stay on top form, thus keeping you healthy.
So, the question remains: should we be taking probiotics every day?
Yes, in most cases, you can and should take probiotics every day.The majority of studies that have investigated the effects of taking probiotics have concluded that it’s more beneficial to take them daily.
Numerous studies have administered probiotics over a period of a few weeks have seen improvements in gut bacteria, as well as strains being found to colonize.
These studies also showed that a cessation in supplementation resulted in the strains “exiting” the body, thus indicating that daily supplementation must take place to enable the gut to thrive long-term. (1, 2, 3, 4)
Probiotics: Is There Such Thing as Too Much?
Now that we have established the benefits of supplementing with probiotics daily, is there such a thing as too much? While it is beneficial to do so, is it safe?
Many people have concerns over the safety and dose of any new supplement they take, which is a wise mindset to adopt!
Though, you can’t really go wrong when taking probiotics. Even taking high doses of probiotics on a daily basis, it’s very difficult to overdose or experience adverse side effects (for most people).
If you really think about it, there are approximately 100 trillion bacteria living in our gut, whereas most supplements on the market provide a dose ranging from 1 to 50 billion depending on the product.
So, it would be tricky to overdose considering the popular doses are essentially a drop in the ocean, or, rather, a drop in the microbiome!
But will our digestive systems become “lazy” if we’re feeding it daily?
Rest assured, there is currently no evidence to suggest that the body becomes lazy or dependant on probiotics. Increasing our intake of good bacteria, either through supplementation or diet, will only provide positive results.
Probiotics are a natural supplement to be taken as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle and are not chemically addictive. Taking probiotics is much like consuming nutritious foods to promote good health, which also is not an addictive habit.
Having said all the above, probiotics are not normally recommended for those with serious medical conditions, such as those who are immunosuppressed, so it’s important to speak with your doctor before taking probiotics, just to remain on the safe side!
Probiotics Vs Prebiotics: What’s The Difference?
If you’ve heard of probiotics, you’ve likely heard of prebiotics!
As we have established, probiotic microorganisms include bacteria and yeast. They are found in many fermented foods and available in capsule form.
This refers to the beneficial, or the “good”, bacteria found in your gut, which all make up a healthy intestinal microbiome.
On the other hand, prebiotics are often described as the “food” that feeds this bacterium. Prebiotics are made up of certain fibers that feed the living organisms in our gut.
This nourishes the bacteria, giving them more life and stimulating their growth and activity.
You can find prebiotics in foods such as chicory root, apple skin, garlic, bananas, beans, pulses, and legumes.
Though, is one better that the other?
Not particularly! Both a probiotic and prebiotic supplement would be beneficial to take for improving overall gut health.
However, it is thought that it may be marginally more beneficial to take a prebiotic supplement as opposed to a probiotic. This is because nourishing our existing bacteria is likely better and more effective than introducing new bacteria strains into our system.
In addition to this, prebiotics tend to have a much longer shelf-life than probiotics, which may result in further benefits.
Whatever supplement you may be considering taking, doing your research on the safety and dosage beforehand will help put your mind at ease around any concerns.
When it comes to probiotics, there is little need to worry about overdosing or side effects as it is a natural, well-researched supplement. Though, if you have any serious health problems, you should consult your doctor before taking anything new.
Probiotics have many benefits for gut health, thus overall health, and it appears the best benefits are as a result of daily supplementation.
Though, prebiotics may also be a beneficial gut health supplement to consider! Just be sure to choose the best gut health supplement possible.
Performance Lab Prebiotic has you covered in all areas gut-related, supplying a 2-in-1 probiotic and soluble fiber support for healthier microbiome composition. This supplement is a one-size-fits-all fiber formula which is suitable for improving digestive performance of any individual.
Performance Lab Prebiotic works to:
- Boost probiotics in the gut
- Enhance digestive comfort and nutrient absorption
- Nourish the gut microbiome
- Encourage digestive regularity
If you’re looking for an effective prebiotic supplement, Performance Lab Prebiotic is our top pick!
- Mimura, T. et al. (2004). 'Once daily high dose probiotic therapy (VSL#3) for maintaining remission in recurrent or refractory pouchitis'. Gut, 53(1): 108-114
- Jacobsen et al. (1999). 'Screening of probiotic activities of 47 strains of Lactobacillus spp. by in vitro techniques and evaluation of the colonisation ability of 5 selected strains in humans'. Applied and Environmental Microbiology; 65(11): 4949-4956
- Morelli L et al. (2004). 'Utilisation of the intestinal tract as a delivery system for urogenital probiotics'. Journal of clinical gastroenterology; 38(6): 107-110
- Goldin BR et al. (1992). 'Survival of Lactobacillus species (strain GG) in human gastrointestinal tract'. Digestive diseases and sciences; 37(8): 121-1218