Post-Workout Meals for Vegetarians

  • By Abigail Roberts
  • 3 minute read
Post-Workout Meals for Vegetarians

What you eat before a workout is just as important, if not more important, than what you eat afterward.

Believe it or not, what you eat also plays a huge part in your recovery and growth as an athlete, whether you’re a pro or a beginner.

It doesn’t matter what level of athlete you are, if you partake in any type of training, one of the key components to your performance and recovery is post-workout nutrition.

Your post-workout meal replaces nutrients that were depleted during your session and it supplies your muscles with the building blocks needed to recover and get stronger.

Though, how can you adequately recover from your training sessions if you’re a vegetarian?

Consider this article your short guide to post-workout nutrition along with some top post-workout foods for vegetarians!

Post-Workout Recovery 101

When it comes to post-workout nutrition, carbohydrates and protein are the key players, ideally being consumed in a ratio of 3:1 carb to protein.

During your training sessions, you would have depleted all of your stored carbohydrates (glycogen). So replenishing these stores after your session is the most important first step when it comes to building your post-workout plate.

Next up, protein. This nutrient is vital for repairing the broken-down muscle tissue that would have occurred during your session.

Pairing protein and carbohydrates together has been shown time and time again to help with overall recovery and aid muscle growth and repair.

Besides the physiological components of recovery, consuming a post-workout meal will also ensure you don’t feel hungry later in the day, which could lead to overeating less nutritious foods and further delaying your recovery.

How Soon After a Workout Should I Eat?

One of the big burning questions in the fitness and nutrition world is post-workout nutrition timing. Over the years, there have been many myths circulating, claiming that you must consume food within 20 minutes of your workout finishing, otherwise your gains will suffer.

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This isn’t quite correct!

The recovery window is actually around 1-2 hours after your workout, though the exact timing would largely depend on when you consumed your pre-workout meal.

But recovery doesn’t just take place in this short window, so it’s important to eat throughout the remainder of the day as well for optimal recovery.

Eating some recovery foods as soon as you can after your session is always a safe bet, as this will satisfy your appetite and get the recovery ball rolling.

It's important to note that when we’re talking about post-workout nutrition in this article, we are referring to your every day 45-60 minute gym or workout sessions.

Post-workout nutrition is a little more complex for competitive athletes training for hours a day, or for marathon runners expending energy for up to 5 hours at a time.

Though that’s another article for another time!

For now, let’s delve into some of the best post-workout foods for vegetarians.

Top 10 Post-Workout Foods for Vegetarians

1. Edamame

Half a cup of edamame provides a whopping 11 grams of veggie-friendly protein. A perfect component to stir-fries or salads!

2. Chocolate milk

You probably didn’t expect this one, but chocolate milk actually has the perfect ratio of carb to protein (3:1). This is a great option for those who cannot stomach food after a workout, or if you're on the move and need something quick and easy.

3. Chickpeas

Chickpeas have a great balance of carbohydrates and protein and are an ideal recovery food. Sprinkle over salads or pop in the oven to roast with your favorite seasoning.

4. OatmealOatmeal isn’t just for breakfast! This meal can be enjoyed at any time of day, particularly post-workout. Oats mixed with milk provide a great carbohydrate and protein profile, alongside some fiber.

5. Eggs and toastEggs are the go-to for muscle builders and gym-goers due to being a high-quality source of protein. Paired with some toast, this meal serves as the optimal recovery fuel.

6. SmoothiesSmoothies are another great option for those who aren’t able to eat after a workout. Stick to the formula of 2 parts fruit for your carbs and 1 part milk or yogurt to provide the protein.

7. Greek yogurtGreek yogurt packs more protein than regular yogurt. Pair with fruit or cereal to replenish your carbohydrate stores.

8. Banana or apple with peanut butterThe carbs in the fruit alongside the healthy fats and protein in the nut butter work well together to refuel your muscles and satisfy your post-workout appetite!

9. Hummus on crackersThe cracker and hummus combo makes this an ideal post-workout replenishment snack. It also provides a good punch of fiber for a healthy gut!

10.Burrito bowlFancy something a bit more filling with plenty of added nutrients? Pop some brown rice and your bean of choice into a bowl to give you what your body needs post-workout.

However, topping with foods like veggies, salsa, and avocado will further boost the nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber content!

The Takeaway

Post-workout nutrition is crucial for optimal recovery. Without replenishing your body with the required nutrients after a tough workout, your recovery and gains overall will suffer.

It’s easy to get what you need on a vegetarian diet, provided there is an adequate amount of carbohydrates, protein, and micronutrients to help your body recover in time for your next session!