What is the Difference Between Micellar Casein and Calcium Caseinate?

  • By Abigail Roberts
  • 1 minute read
What is the Difference Between Micellar Casein and Calcium Caseinate?

Protein supplements are some of the most popular sports nutrition products in the fitness and bodybuilding industry. Among the many types of protein, it can be confusing to know the differences and which are best suited to your needs.

This article aims to shed some light on the differences between micellar casein and calcium caseinate - two of the most common slow-release protein supplements.

What are the benefits of these powders? What’s the difference? Which is better for your goals? Keep reading to find out all you need to know!

Micellar Casein

Micellar casein contains approximately 90% protein. It has an excellent BCAA profile and is a rich source of glutamine.

Micellar casein is created when separated from the whey, fat, and lactose in milk. This leaves us with the slowest digesting form of casein as it forms micelles when added to water.

The main benefits of taking casein are due to the slow release of the amino acids, making this the perfect protein supplement to take before bed to help with recovery and reduce muscle breakdown while you sleep.

Calcium Caseinate

Calcium caseinate is also a slow-release protein, containing around 90% protein. It is a rich source of minerals and amino acids, such as glutamine.

Calcium caseinate is also commonly taken before bedtime, much like micellar casein. The slow digestion will allow the amino acids to release and absorb more gradually, keeping our body in an anabolic state throughout the night.

Though, it is also suitable to take calcium caseinate in-between meals too, which would help provide you with a source of protein to keep you full and satisfied during the day.

Micellar Casein Vs Calcium Caseinate: Which is Better?

Both of these products have their benefits, both being slow-release forms of protein.

However, calcium caseinate differs from micellar casein, as it is more soluble. Calcium caseinate is formed when an alkaline substance (calcium) has reacted with casein, thus raising the mineral content of this particular form of casein.

Though one is not necessarily better than the other, they just differ slightly regarding the process of being made and digested.

They are both slow-release proteins that will have several benefits for muscle recovery!


There are many different protein supplements on the market, each with different absorption and digestion rates.

Here, we focused on two of the best slow-digesting protein supplements - calcium caseinate and micellar casein.

Both are excellent sources of high-quality protein and have an impressive amino acid profile. Either one would be suitable for taking before bed for optimal muscle recovery, or in-between meals to keep you fuller for longer.