Omega-3 fatty acids are some of the most effective nutrients that you can consume for your brain, eyes, cardiovascular health and more.
Here’s the challenge: Getting sufficient Omega-3 intake to promote health can be difficult. It’s even harder if you’re following a clean, eco-conscious or vegan lifestyle.
Eating fish and taking fish oil may have concerns related to heavy metals and contaminants. They also contribute to overfishing which depletes global stocks.
Today’s leading omega-3 supplement presents a clean, eco-conscious, vegan-friendly alternative to fish oil.
What is it? It's an algae omega supplement.
Taking an algae oil supplement is uniquely capable of delivering all benefits for overall health, especially in our #1-rated formula with plant based sources.
To see the top Omega-3 this year, click here
What are Omega-3 fatty acids?
Omega-3 fatty acids are long-chain molecules considered as healthy fats that balance out the bad fats in your diet.
Omega-3s are some of the most important essential nutrients we can consume for healthy metabolic performance.
The three most important essential fatty acids for health are:
- Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA)
- Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
- Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)
Due to their far-reaching support for overall health and relative scarcity in typical diets, Omega-3s are among the most popular nutritional supplements, especially as fish oil.
DHA and EPA are considered to be the most effective fatty acids for promoting overall health, and will be the focus of this article.
Omega-3 benefits for overall health
Omega-3s serve as phospholipid building blocks for the formation and maintenance of cell membranes.(1)
Cell membranes perform a dynamic range of bioactivities that orchestrate beneficial functions throughout your body.
DHA and EPA are drawn into cell membranes. They alter membranes’ structure to make them more supple, permeable and fluid.(2)
DHA and EPA support enhances performance of cell membrane bioactivities, which include:
- Barrier functions: Membranes’ selective permeability allows helpful substances in while keeping harmful substances out;
- Cell-to-cell communication: Membranes send and receive signals from other cells (using neurotransmitters and hormones);
- Immune modulation: DHA+EPA in cell membranes form and manage signaling compounds that balance immune system responses;
Essential fatty acid cell membrane support optimizes human performance at its most fundamental level. They promote healthy biological function in cells, tissues and organs throughout the body, across all life stages.
Omega-3 vs Omega-6 fatty acids
Omega-3 supplements may be taken in order to positively alter the composition of cell membranes throughout the body. Like olive oil at room temperature, they help cell membranes to stay fluid. This fluidity is crucial for maintaining optimal cell function and communication.
However, the balance of fatty acids in our diet can significantly influence the structure and function of these membranes.(3) While Omega-3s help maintain fluidity, an excess of Omega-6 fatty acids can disrupt this balance.
Omega-6 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats, just like Omega-3s, and they are essential for health. However, when consumed in excessive amounts—especially in relation to Omega-3s—they can promote inflammation and negatively impact cell function.
Enzymes liberate fatty acids from cell membranes in order to produce hormone-like substances called eicosanoids.
Eicosanoids in turn perform several life-promoting bioactivities, including cell growth, blood clotting, muscle function and balanced immune responses.
- Omega-3s form eicosanoids associated with balanced and healthy responses(4)
- Omega-6s when not balanced with sufficient Omega-3 intake, can form eicosanoids that promote aggressive (unhealthy) inflammatory responses.(5)
When it comes to Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, it's the ratio that is key for overall health.
Experts suggest that an optimal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is about 1:1. However, the average diet is estimated to include up to a 20:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3.(6)
Some reviews have suggested that this unbalanced ratio may contribute to serious long-range health implications, including an increased risk of cardiovascular concerns, bone and joint issues, mood problems, brain health concerns and more.(7)
Did you know? Researchers suggest American adults only get about 0.1 - 0.2 g of DHA+EPA daily, requiring a 4X intake increase to get the recommended 0.65 g daily. Researchers also suggest Americans should reduce Omega-6 intake from the average 11-16 g daily to 6.7 g daily to improve their ratio.(8)
In order to restore a healthy ratio, reduce intake of omega-6 rich foods and increase intake of omega-3 foods.
Omega-6 foods include:
- Grain fed beef
- Some nuts and seeds
- Vegetable oils (sunflower, soybean, corn oil)
- Fried foods
- Bread and baked goods
- Processed foods
Best Omega-3 foods include:
- Fish and fish oil
- Flaxseed and flaxseed oil
- Grass fed beef and dairy foods
- Chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds
- Walnuts
By hitting the optimal ratio you can support health in many ways, including:
Heart Health
Omega-3s are most widely researched and acclaimed for their potential to support heart health. Researcher and review evidence has suggested they may help with:
- Heart rhythm stability(9)
- Blood vessel flexibility(10)
- Reducing blood viscosity(11)
- Triglyceride balance(12)
- Blood pressure regulation(13)
Strong clinical research on DHA+EPA has produced two FDA-qualified heart health claims.
Since 2004, the FDA has, under certain circumstances, exercised enforcement discretion for the following claim:
"Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease."
In addition, the FDA has agreed to allow another EPA and DHA heart health claim, which reads:
"Consuming EPA and DHA combined may reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk of hypertension, a risk factor for coronary heart disease. However, FDA has concluded that the evidence is inconsistent and inconclusive."
Don't let the conservative wording fool you: The FDA only allows a handful of health claims for nutrients found in supplements.
The above claims for EPA and DHA are a testament to the large body of strong evidence supporting their benefits for heart health.
Did you know? The American Heart Association has advocated for increasing Omega-3 intake via two 3.5 oz. fish servings weekly (preferably oily fish) to support cardiovascular health.
Brain Health
Omega 3s supply nutritional support for nervous system health, especially the brain and eyes. DHA in particular supports brain health across all life stages.
In early life (in the womb and with DHA-rich mother’s milk), they fuel rapid development of the brain, eyes, and nervous system. In adulthood, they help to maintain healthy neural structure and function.
Researchers have suggested DHA and EPA intake may help:
- Neurogenesis, the formation of fresh new brain cells(14)
- Plasticity, the dynamic connection of brain cells(15)
- Maintaining sharp cognition against age-related decline(16)
- Supporting healthy and balanced mood(17)
- Maintaining the overall size of the brain(18)
DHA+EPA far-reaching support for brain health, brain function, and cognitive function make them must-have nutrients in any nootropic program.
Eye Health
As with the brain, DHA is highly concentrated in the eyes, where it is suggested to help vision health, performance and comfort:
DHA supports long-range eye health. Researchers have suggested that those with higher DHA intake through life appear to have less risk for age-related macular health concerns.(19)
DHA helps dry eyes. Dry Eye is when a lack of eye lubrication produces visual fatigue, blurriness, irritation and discomfort. Researchers suggest DHA may be an effective therapy for dry eyes.(20)
Research also suggests DHA may help with Computer Vision Syndrome by decreasing the rate of tear evaporation while improving dry eye symptoms associated with computer use.(21)
Related Post: Vitamin C and Dry Eyes
See the #1-Ranked Omega-3 Softgel Supplement Now
Muscle, Bone and Joint Health
Essential fatty acids’ overall health benefits include support for strength and flexibility. Some research suggests they may help the musculoskeletal system by:
- Promoting muscle protein synthesis (MPS)(22)
- Enhancing neuromuscular performance and fatigue resistance(23)
- Fighting muscle damage and soothing muscle soreness when taken post-workout(24)
- Maintaining joint comfort(25)
- Supporting bone mineral density(26)
These potential benefits are just a few of the reasons why many athletes and bodybuilders include Omega-3s as part of their sport nutrition regimen. Omega-3s also contribute to optimal health by supporting brain, heart, and immune health.
For many people, the easiest way to increase DHA+EPA intake is to start taking a supplement.
However, most supplements on the market are made from fish oil, which have some drawbacks that, for many people, don’t make them the ideal choice.
Next, let’s look at some of these drawbacks, as well as revealing a vegan-friendly alternative source of essential fatty acids that is found in our #1 product this year.
Why fish oil supplements are old news
In order to get benefits, you must consistently consume DHA and EPA. Fish and fish oil are among the most common sources. But these sources have been linked to concerns including:(27)
- Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP)
- Mercury and heavy metals
- Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
- Organochlorine pesticides (OCs, including DDT)
- Dioxins
- Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)
These toxins bioaccumulate in marine ecosystems. This means that as you move up the food chain, from smaller to larger fish, contaminants increase and concentrate.
Only after extensive processing - including cooking, de-sludging, washing, filtering, deodorizing and more - can fish be made into supplements.
Did you know? About 90% of fish species that are used to make fish oil are unmarketable for human consumption as foods.(28)
Fish oil side effects
If you’ve ever taken fish oil, you’ve probably experienced unpleasant side effects.
Most commonly, the dreaded fish burps. Sometimes softgels can taste bad (fishy) while you are taking them.
More often, fish oil softgels taste bad afterwards – taking the form of foul fishy-tasting burps that can persist for some time after taking the softgel.
Some of the better manufacturers take steps to reduce this issue, such as enteric coating and adding lemon flavor to their softgels.
But these add more processing steps, and do not necessarily eliminate the unpleasant fish oil side effects.
See the Best Vegan Omega 3 Alternative to Fish Oil Now
Negative environmental Impact
Overfishing is bad for the environment, and fish oil supplements contribute to this problem.
Many fish oil supplements are derived from small fish like anchovies, herring, and menhaden, which feed on algae. These fish are often used because, being lower on the food chain, they have lower levels of bioaccumulated toxins.
While this makes them a safer choice for supplements, overfishing of these small fish disrupts the marine ecosystem. Depriving larger fish of a vital food source which can lead to imbalances, such as uncontrolled algae growth.(29)
Krill oil, a popular alternative for its DHA and EPA content, faces similar environmental concerns due to the negative impact of krill harvesting on the food chain.
Furthermore, fish oil production typically requires extensive processing to ensure acceptable purity levels due to potential contamination. Despite these efforts, fish oil supplements remain problematic for the environment and are always going to be unsuitable for a vegan diet.
Fish oil supplements don't work for all lifestyles.
Fish oil starts out questionable, then requires extensive processing to achieve acceptable purity.
Even then, fish oil still presents problems for our environment, and will never be suitable for vegan lifestyles.
A vegan supplement, on the other hand, offers a plant-based source of omega-3, ensuring benefits for brain and heart health while adhering to sustainable practices and quality testing procedures.
Today's top formula cuts out the middle man - fish - and instead supplies DHA+EPA directly from their original source in all marine ecosystems: Algae.
Algae are very low in the food chain, so they do not have the same bioaccumulation that increases toxins moving up the food chain.
And because algae are a large biomass that can be sustainably cultivated, they have negligible impact on the environment.
Let's learn about the cleanest algal oil on the market to look for in today's leading supplements.
Best Vegan Omega 3 Supplement: life's™Omega Algal Oil
life’s™OMEGA is sourced from the origin of Omega-3s in all marine ecosystems: Algae.
life’s™OMEGA is the first plant-based EPA and DHA combined product that provides a clean, eco-friendly and effective alternative to fish oil.
Some features of life’s™OMEGA include:
- Made with non-GMO ocean algae, a natural, plant-based DHA and EPA source
- Cultivated in the USA in clean, tightly-controlled indoor facilities using a unique fermentation process
- Unlike algae grown in outdoor ponds, life’s™OMEGA is never exposed to environmental pollutants
- Supplies highly concentrated DHA+EPA in their natural triglyceride form
- Naturally effective ratio; requires far less processing and no blending
- Environmentally conscious: Clean, sustainable algae with zero impact on fish populations or ocean ecosystems
- Suitable for vegetarians, who often fall short on DHA+EPA intake
life’s™OMEGA is the cleanest, purest Omega-3 source ever developed for nutritional supplements. It is third-party tested for quality and purity. Because it is cultivated, it is 100% traceable – from a single algae cell culture until collection.
Top Omega-3 Supplement:Performance Lab® Omega-3 with life's™Omega
Performance Lab® Omega-3 is today’s best fish oil supplement alternative and leading DHA+EPA product.
Featuring life’s™OMEGA algal oil, it is the cleanest, purest and most eco-friendly Omega-3 formula ever developed with no fish oil concentrate sourced from plant foods.
Another big Performance Lab® Omega-3 advantage is NutriGels®.
Red seaweed-sourced Carageenan is commonly used to make vegan softgels, including in fish oil supplements.
However, Carageenan has been linked with some gastrointestinal risks, and may promote overly aggressive immune responses - potentially worsening health concerns that DHA+EPA are targeting.(30)
Performance Lab® Omega-3 is the first and only supplement in the world to use NutriGels®: A carrageenan-free softgel made from simple, clean ingredients, making it one of the top vegan supplements available.
With NutriGels®, you get all DHA+EPA benefits without other softgels’ immune-disruptive carrageenan.
Designed for Performance
- Enhances cell membrane structure and function for healthy whole-body performance*
- Supports heart health, circulation and cardiovascular performance*
- Optimal 2:1 DHA to EPA ratio for balanced immune responses*
- Maintains healthy brain, eye and nervous system performance*
- Supports protein synthesis, muscle comfort and recovery*
- Supplies natural triglyceride DHA+EPA; 70% more absorbable than synthetic ethyl esters*
- Stacks seamlessly with Performance Lab® supplements
Healthy for Daily Use
- life’s™OMEGA: Superior algae-sourced alternative to fish oil
- Easy to take: No fishy smell, fishy aftertaste or gastric distress
- Algal oil in NutriGels®: Vegan-friendly, carageenan-free softgels
- Ultraclean: No mercury, heavy metals, PCBs, or toxic contaminants associated with fish oil
Omega-3 is the perfect choice for building a healthy cell foundation and stacking with other Performance Lab® supplements to unleash your peak human performance.
If you are looking for a DHA+EPA supplement that fits your clean lifestyle, then Performance Lab® Omega-3 is the best fish oil supplements alternative to take.
With advanced nutrition technology from life’s™OMEGA algal oil and NutriGels® carrageenan-free vegan softgels, Omega-3 is the cleanest, most eco-friendly DHA+EPA ever developed.
Consider Omega-3 a foundational Performance Lab® formula that helps your health and performance in many different ways. Then stack on more Performance Lab® supplements from CORE and SPORT ranges to further advance to peak human performance.
Note: Performance Lab® is not available at GNC, Walmart, Target, CVS or Walgreens. You can only buy it here. Click below for the most cost-effective deals, including buy-3-get-1-free and free shipping deals.