4 Reasons You Should Take Omega 3 with Vitamin D

  • By Performance Lab
  • 7 minute read
4 Reasons You Should Take Omega 3 with Vitamin D

If you’re looking for nutritional supplements, there are two that come to the forefront—vitamin D and omega-3s. They offer many benefits for everything from skin health and heart health to immune function and even weight loss.

But for years, there’s been much speculation that supplementing them together can maximize their benefits and prevent health issues like heart attacks, strokes, and even certain cancers. However, more recent research has suggested that the benefits may not be as potent as initially thought.

So, we’re digging through the research and giving you the details on supplementing vitamin D with omega 3s—and why there’s still some benefit.

What Are Omega-3s And Why Should You Take Them?

If you’ve never taken omega-3s before, they’re something that needs to be on your radar. Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids deemed essential in the body—they cannot be produced endogenously. They must be obtained through food sources or supplements.

Although there are several types of omega-3s, we generally focus on three:

  1. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  2. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
  3. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)

EPA and DHA are most commonly found in seafood and algae and play significant roles in cognitive, retinal, immune function, cardiovascular function, and weight management 1.

Although humans can synthesize certain fatty acids, omega-3s are not one of them—but it can be hard to get enough EPA and DHA in the diet. They can be produced via the hepatic conversion of ALA to EPA and DHA, but the conversion rate is less than 10% 2. Don’t rely on ALA to get your fill of EPA and DHA.

But one of the big problems with PUFAs is the intake between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. In the modern western diet, omega-6 intake far outweighs omega-3 intake, which is problematic.

The ideal ratio is 1:1 or 1:2 at most, but most America’s consume upwards of 10 to 20 times as much pro-inflammatory omega-6s as they do anti-inflammatory omega-3s 3. See the problem?

It’s why cutting back on vegetable and seed oils and conventionally raised meat products is a must if you strive for optimal health.

Here’s what omega-3s are involved in:

  • Brain health (especially during pregnancy)
  • Mood
  • Vision
  • Cardiovascular health (CVD risk factors)
  • Inflammation
  • Autoimmunity
  • Bone and joint health
  • Sleep
  • Skin health

Vitamin D Fundamentals

Although it’s called vitamin D, it functions more as a hormone than it does as a vitamin. It’s one of the few nutrients that can be synthesized in the body, exerting various effects on nearly every body system—it has endocrine, autocrine, and paracrine functions 4.

The endocrine functions target regulation of calcium and phosphorus levels, which play a major role in bone health, while the paracrine and autocrine functions differ based on what type of cell they’re working in.

The traditional role of vitamin D that most people are familiar with is bone health; it regulates calcium uptake from the gut and modulates calcium levels in the bone to maintain strength. But it’s also involved in immune function, digestion, circulation, mood, muscle function, and the nervous system 5.

But unlike other nutrients, the body can synthesize vitamin D via the skin. When UVB rays from the sun hit the skin, vitamin D3 is synthesized from cholesterol.

While diet and overall health status influence vitamin D levels, so do biological factors like age, skin pigmentation, weight, and geographical location.

To summarize, your body requires sufficient levels of vitamin D for:

  • Bone health
  • Mood
  • Immune function
  • Weight management
  • Muscle function
  • Inflammation
  • Cardiovascular health

Should You Supplement Vitamin D And Omega-3s Together?

With all of that said, there’s no question that vitamin D and omega-3s are essential for optimal performance, but why take them together?

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1. Cognitive Function

Both vitamin D and omega-3s are important for enhancing brain health and function, especially when it comes to mood and memory. And although each elicits its mechanisms, the combination of the two supplements has profound effects on mental health because of their role in the serotonin system 6.

Serotonin is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan by tryptophan hydroxylase 2, activated by vitamin D3. EPA functions to enhance serotonin release, and DHA influences serotonin receptor action by ‘increasing cell membrane fluidity in postsynaptic neurons.

As such, insufficient intake of vitamin D and omega-3s could lead to dysfunctional serotonin activation and function and increase the risk of psychiatric disorders.

2. May Reduce Cancer Risk

Cancer is the second leading cause of mortality in older adults, with a risk that increases significantly with age. While lifestyle factors heavily influence risk and progression, nutrient deficiencies can play a significant role.

Some research shows that vitamin D can inhibit the growth of specific cancer cells by regulating various genes responsible for cell proliferation and differentiation 7. But more recently, omega-3s have come to the forefront in cancer prevention due to the role of lipid metabolism in cancer development.

Studies suggest that vitamin D can downregulate growth hormones and reduce cell proliferation in several types of cancer. At the same time, omega-3s can inhibit carcinogenesis because of their anti-inflammatory properties and suppress angiogenesis 7.

3. Bone Health

When it comes to nutrients for bone health, one that generally tops the list is calcium. But most people aren’t aware that for calcium to do its job, it requires help from other nutrients, one of which is vitamin D.

It plays a pivotal role in calcium absorption and bone mineralization, which have been linked to greater bone mineral density 8. Its primary function is to regulate the amount of calcium absorbed from the small intestine.

When calcium levels are low, parathyroid hormone (PTH) stimulates the production of 1,252 D3 in the kidney, which ultimately increases calcium uptake into the cells and increases calcium absorption, thereby maintaining serum levels.

Without sufficient vitamin D, calcium is pulled from bones, which eventually decreases bone mineral density and increases the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

But it’s not just vitamin D that supports bone health—omega-3s also play an important but lesser-known role. It’s suggested that chronic inflammation may contribute to the pathogenesis of osteoporosis, potentially due to increased cytokine expression that comes with menopause and aging 9.

Because both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines and hormones are involved in regulating osteoblast and osteoclast differentiation and activity, imbalances could lead to a decay of bone density.

And because omega-3s have such powerful anti-inflammatory effects, they could be beneficial for bone health. One study found that a higher intake of omega-3 fatty acids improved markers of bone turnover and bone mineral density 10, 11.

4. Cardiovascular Health

Vitamin D has received a fair bit of attention for its role in preventing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes; plenty of studies show that low vitamin D is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and diabetes 12. The primary mechanisms by which it may do so include:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Inhibiting vascular smooth muscle proliferation
  • Inhibiting vascular calcification
  • Regulating blood pressure and volume homeostasis
  • Regulating glucose metabolism

Omega-3s, on the other hand, may exhibit just as powerful effects on cardiovascular health as vitamin D. While their potent anti-inflammatory effects have beneficial impacts on blood vessels, they also enhance endothelial function by promoting the release of nitric oxide—one of the essential cellular signaling compounds that promote blood vessel dilation 13.

On top of that, omega-3s can also reduce resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure via incorporating EPA and DHA into membrane phospholipids, thereby increasing systemic arterial compliance.

The mechanisms by which omega-3s may benefit cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of CVD include 14:

  • Lower triglyceride levels
  • Increase HDL
  • Lower resting blood pressure
  • Reduce platelet aggregation
  • Prevent arterial blockages
  • Enhance compliance of arteries (elasticity)
  • Decrease atherosclerosis
  • Reduce inflammatory markets

How Much Do You Need?

There’s currently no set recommendation for daily intake of omega-3s, specifically EPA and DHA. Still, most research shows that anywhere from 2.6 to 3 grams of EPA and DHA daily is enough to sustain levels and optimize performance.

But if you’re looking to enhance overall health and well-being, you also have to focus on your intake of omega-6s to omega-3s to avoid triggering a pro-inflammatory state.

On the other hand, Vitamin D is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies, and while getting your fair share through the sun isn’t hard, supplementing is generally beneficial for most people.

Although the RDI for vitamin D is just 400 IU, it doesn’t hurt to increase your dose. Research finds that long-term supplementation with 5000 to 50,000 IUs per day appears to be safe—but chances are you can stick closer to 5,000 IU daily 15.

But if you aren’t keen on a daily dose of fish oil or seafood for omega-3s and vitamin D, there’s a better (and healthier) solution: the vitamin D + omega-3 super stack. When you combine Performance Lab Omega-3 and Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi, you’re getting the best of both worlds.

As the smartest and most innovative supplements of their kind, Multi supplies 17+ essential vitamins and minerals complexed with cofactors to boost absorption and enhance bioactivities, while Omega-3 provides a pure and potent dose of the ideal ratio of DHA:EPA for optimal body-wide performance.

With just a few capsules daily, you’ll cover your needs for both vitamin D and omega-3s. They’re clean, ultra-potent, and super effective.


  1. Swanson D, Block R, Mousa SA. Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA: health benefits throughout life. Adv Nutr. 2012;3(1):1-7
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  7. Bischoff-Ferrari, Heike A., et al. “Combined Vitamin D, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and a Simple Home Exercise Program May Reduce Cancer Risk Among Active Adults Aged 70 and Older: A Randomized Clinical Trial.” Frontiers in Aging2022: 33.
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  15. McCullough PJ, Lehrer DS, Amend J. Daily oral dosing of vitamin D3 using 5000 TO 50,000 international units a day in long-term hospitalized patients: Insights from a seven year experience. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2019;189:228-239.