Best Probiotic for Constipation (2025 Update)

  • By Becki Kesner
  • 12 minute read
Best Probiotics for Constipation (2024 Update). Creative idea of probiotics capsules traveling down and being absorbed in small intestine. A drawing on a yellow background of a pink intestine.
  • image of Kinga Jasiak, ANutr, BSc Nutrition and Health
  • Expert reviewed by Kinga Jasiak, ANutr, BSc Nutrition and Health

Feeling backed up? Constipation is common among people of all ages. You can often help relieve constipation at home with some simple diet and lifestyle changes, including taking probiotics and other supplements that support digestive health.

But what are the best probiotics for constipation?

In this guide we'll outline which probiotics can help, and why a prebiotic may be an even better choice.

Relief is on the way, so let's get to it!

Key Takeaways

  • Probiotics & Gut Health: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria in the gut that support digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune function. An imbalanced microbiome can lead to issues like constipation.
  • Constipation Causes: Factors such as low fiber intake, dehydration, sedentary lifestyle, and stress can contribute to constipation.
  • Best Probiotic Strains: Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are the two probiotic strains most closely linked to constipation relief.
  • Prebiotics vs. Probiotics: While probiotics are helpful, prebiotics like inulin-FOS (from chicory root) nourish the probiotics already in the gut, making them more effective in relieving constipation and improving overall gut health.
  • Performance Lab® Prebiotic: This prebiotic supplement is the top choice for constipation, promoting comfortable, reliable microbiome support and gut health benefits that go beyond probiotics alone.
  • Additional Benefits of Prebiotics: Prebiotics also help with bone health, heart health, weight management, and more, offering a broader range of benefits than probiotics alone.

What Are Probiotics?

What Are Probiotics? Microscope image of probiotic strains Various probiotic bacteria such as: Lactobacillus, Bifidobacteria, Enterococcus, Streptococcus thermophilus.

Living in our digestive tract are over 100 trillion microorganisms, ranging from bacteria to fungi.

This mini-ecosystem is referred to as our gut microbiome.

Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria that comprise the microbiome. You can find probiotics in supplement form or in fermented foods sources such as yogurt, sauerkraut, kombucha, and kimchi.

The microbiome has many different functions in the body which are vital for health and well-being, including(1):

  • strengthening integrity of the gut lining
  • helping to liberate energy from the foods we eat
  • protecting the body against pathogens, including "bad bacteria"
  • assisting with immune system function
  • helping to absorb key nutrients

Emerging research suggests there are many links between the state of our gut health and all other aspects of wellness. Including our mental health. Because of this, and the close connection to the microbiome, it is sometimes labeled as a “second brain”.

A healthy microbiome can be great for overall health.

But an imbalance in our gut flora can be equally bad for health.

An out-of-balance microbiome has been linked to many health issues, including immune system function, psychological well-being, weight management, and other health concerns—including constipation.

Consuming probiotic-rich foods and supplements can help restore balance to your microbiome. The benefits of probiotics for constipation and overall digestive health may be noticeable fairly quickly.

Related Post: Do Probiotics Help You Lose Weight? - A Complete Guide

Let's now take a closer look at your current concern—constipation—and discuss how probiotics may help.

What is Constipation and What Causes it?

What is Constipation and What Causes it? Man holding his stomach standing in front of the bathroom door using his hands to hold the abdomen.

Constipation means that your bowel movements are challenging or happen less often than usual.

It is generally defined as stool frequency less than three times per week. In cases like chronic idiopathic constipation, this can be a long-term issue without an identifiable cause.

Beyond reduced stool frequency, the telltale signs of constipation include:

  • Hard, dry or small stools
  • Straining to have bowel movements
  • Bloating, mild abdominal pain, general gut discomfort

Chronic constipation is not only uncomfortable, but it may also limit day-to-day life performance.

Several factors contribute to chronic constipation, ranging from easy fixes to more complicated challenges.

Failing to drink enough water and sedentary lifestyle, for example, are two direct causes of constipation that are easily remedied: hydrate more, move more.

More complex constipation causes include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), prescription medications (including antibiotics) that you may be taking under the direction of your doctor, and constipation-associated gastrointestinal symptoms.

Related Post: Best Supplements for IBS

Mood disorders including stress and depression have also been shown to have direct impact on our gastrointestinal tract which impacts gut health(2), and ultimately may cause constipation.

One of the worst causes of constipation— low fiber intake—is one of the easiest to correct.

And beyond offering fast and lasting relief of constipation, fiber comes with a treasure trove of additional health benefits too.

Fiber is a one-stop shop for all aspects of gut health, including relatively quick relief of constipation along with long-range support for overall health and wellness.

Fiber boosts the microbiome.

Part of the reason fiber works for gut health, especially for constipation, is that types of fiber known as prebiotics feed the microbiome, helping to boost the numbers of various strains of probiotics that live in it.

Here's the problem. Only 5% of Americans meet the daily recommended intake for fiber, which is 25 g for women and 38 g for men.(3)

That's why the best probiotic for constipation is actually a prebiotic fiber supplement.

Related Post: Inulin and IBS: What's The Link?

Specifically, a type of fiber called inulin sourced from chicory root. More on that a little further down the page.

Best Probiotics for Constipation

Your gut microbiota is composed of many strains of beneficial gut bacteria. Among all probiotic bacteria, these two genera may be particularly effective for relieving constipation:

  1. Lactobacillus (inc. Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus bulgaricus)
  2. Bifidobacterium (inc. Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium bifidum)

Probiotic bacteria, including these groups, can help address health issues like gas, constipation, and pain associated with IBS.

Both Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium probiotics have been shown to be depleted in cases of functional constipation.

They have also been studied, both alone and in combination, for their potential to help ease constipation and related digestive issues.

  • Researchers have reported that Lactobacillus acidophilus and certain Bifidobacterium strains may be among the most effective probiotics for alleviating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms, including constipation.(4)

Both Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are available in supplement form. But probiotic supplement products can be unpredictable.

Inulin prebiotic fiber offers an alternative way to enhance your microbiome. It is found in our top product for constipation: Performance Lab® Prebiotic.

Shop Performance Lab® Prebiotic

How to feed your microbiome

How to feed your microbiome. Colorful concept of healthy organisms and bacteria.

Let's quickly recap: If you're seeking to improve your bowel habits, you've got options for restoring gut balance and alleviating constipation.

The best probiotics for constipation are species of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.

The best prebiotic fiber that boosts these strains is Inulin-FOS (Orafti® Synergy1).

Inulin and fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are soluble prebiotic fibers found naturally in chicory root. Together, in Orafti® Synergy1, inulin and FOS present a blend of both short-chain and long-chain fibers.

This special structure is believed to better survive stomach acids, reaching the colon for maximum microbiome-nourishing effects.

Orafti® Synergy1 Inulin-FOS specifically targets gut microbiota like Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus.

In other words, this form of Inulin-FOS prebiotic fiber boosts the two probiotic strains that are closely linked to constipation relief.

Performance Lab Prebiotic is a top choice for constipation because it delivers more reliable and comfortable microbiome support compared to probiotics alone.

This prebiotic supplement supplies an advanced upgrade over standard probiotics, feeding our gut's existing bacterial colonies to promote healthy growth in harmony with our body.

Probiotics Vs Prebiotics: Which is Better for Constipation?

Woman holding a postit note with a happy face on it in front of her stomach

Both probiotics and prebiotics are effective for relieving constipation.

High-quality probiotic supplements are effective over the counter remedies for constipation. Taking a daily probiotic supplement can directly raise the number of good bacteria to balance out the bad bacteria in your gut.

But probiotics in supplement form are fragile, and some may be unreliable.

The beneficial bacteria contained in probiotic supplements must arrive intact to improve gut health. Probiotic supplements vary widely in quality, and, depending on formulation, may be associated with some gastric distress.

Top-shelf probiotics work in supplement form, but a high-quality prebiotic supplement may be even better for occasional constipation. It works in a more efficient and natural way:

Inulin fiber boosts Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium probiotics that are already living in your gut.

For that reason—and many other prebiotic advantages—taking a prebiotic like inulin may be a smarter alternative to taking a standard probiotic supplement.

Prebiotics nourish the microbiome and raise good bacteria in the gut, helping to stimulate their activity and growth. Prebiotic fiber supplements help restore the healthy microbiome balance associated with constipation relief and regular stool frequency.

But that's just one aspect of prebiotic benefits in the digestive system and beyond.

As prebiotics are fermented by probiotics, they produce short-chain fatty acids that have been shown in clinical trials to help strengthen the gut lining.(5)

This benefit can help with leaky gut and also enhance the gut lining's important barrier functions for the immune system.

Prebiotic fiber also adds bulk to stools

As a source of soluble fiber, prebiotic nutrients soak up fluids like a sponge, swelling and expanding in the gut. Prebiotics can help inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the gut. As gut probiotics feed on the prebiotic fiber, they start a fermentation process that softens the stool and improves its consistency.

These combined bioactivities add bulk to stools, helps increase stool frequency, accelerates gut transit time and generally makes stools easier to pass without straining. Prebiotics can also alleviate slow transit constipation by improving gut motility and stool consistency.

Prebiotics help alleviate constipation while promoting overall digestive ease and comfort.

Beyond helping with occasional constipation, prebiotics do a lot more than probiotics, addressing health problems including(6-9):

  • Helping weight loss by controlling appetite
  • Supporting bone health by enhancing calcium absorption
  • Promoting heart health by regulating bad cholesterol
  • Maintaining balanced blood sugar levels

Prebiotics help overall health in addition to helping the gut

The Orafti® Synergy1 brand of Inulin-FOS is also backed by several human clinical research studies, with evidence pointing to impressive benefits:

  • 8 g per day of Orafti® Synergy1 boosted calcium absorption by almost 20%.(10)
  • 10 g per day of Orafti® Synergy1 increased calcium absorption by 20% and magnesium absorption by 10%.(11)
  • In teenagers 8 g of Orafti® Synergy1 was associated with 45% higher bone mineral density(versus placebo) after one year.(12)

The above listed benefits of prebiotics are realized to maximum effect in our top supplement pick for constipation: Performance Lab Prebiotic.

Prebiotics are a readily available fiber that promote regular bowel movements. You can find prebiotics in dietary supplements or in gut healthy foods such as chicory root, apple skin, bananas and beans.

Did you know? If you like to stock up on supplements, also keep in mind that prebiotics have a much longer shelf life than fragile probiotic formulas.

Probiotics for Constipation: The Bottom Line

Constipation is a common ailment that many of us suffer with at some point in our lives. Constipation and other related issues can throw off the balance in our gut microbiome, which can often have a negative impact on other aspects of health.

Probiotics are often the go-to supplement for any gut-related issues. While lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium help under certain circumstances, such as to ease IBS symptoms, or to replenish good bacteria after a course of antibiotics, they also have some drawbacks.

Prebiotics appear to be the better choice of gut supplement when it comes to supporting a healthy digestive system, boosting immune function, and providing a relief from bowel struggles such as constipation.

Probiotics are classed as a food, so are not always regulated to a quality standard

  • The product may not contain the bacteria stated on the label
  • The bacteria contained in the product are live and fragile, meaning they may not survive long enough to reach your gut
  • The product may not contain enough bacteria to have an effect

So, while probiotics are generally harmless for most of us, it may burn a hole in your pocket as opposed to making a meaningful difference to your gut flora.

Our preferred pick is Performance Lab Prebiotic , an effective and reliable alternative to probiotics alone, which nourishes existing bacteria and provides digestive comfort, thus promoting overall gut health safely, comfortably and reliably.

Best Overall Supplement for Constipation: Performance Lab® Prebiotic

Performance Lab Prebiotic delivers ultramodern Microflora support for digestive, immune and metabolic health

Performance Lab® Prebiotic delivers Orafti® Synergy1 (Inulin-FOS from chicory root), the best prebiotic for boosting constipation-relieving probiotics, in a dose of 1.7 g of fiber in each serving.

Best Overall Supplement for Constipation: Performance Lab® Prebiotic

Performance Lab® Prebiotic Fiber Benefits as dietary supplements

  • Contribute to normal bowel function by increasing stool frequency
  • Helps improve stool consistency, making it easier to pass
  • Can be used like natural stool softeners
  • Stimulates fermentation processes in the gut that increase stool volume and softness
  • Assists with easy and comfortable elimination
  • Supports a resilient gut lining and reduce leaky gut risk
  • Promotes a healthy and balanced digestive system
  • Provides digestive support that comes on in a gradual, mild and comfortable manner, for benefits without bloating

Performance Lab® Prebiotic - Probiotic benefits

  • Supplies the best prebiotic for specific strains of probiotics Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium -- known for relieving constipation
  • Prebiotic Orafti® Synergy1's impact on gut flora has been clinically shown to promote a favorable colon environment for nutrient absorption

Performance Lab® Quality benefits

It's also worth noting that Performance Lab products are top-quality across the board. Orafti® Synergy1 is the most advanced prebiotic fiber on the market. But Performance Lab doesn't stop there.

Performance Lab Prebiotic is delivered in all-natural NutriCaps.

These easy to swallow capsules are 100% plant-sourced from pullulan, a type of fermented tapioca. In addition, NutriCaps are infused with prebiotic fiber, bringing a little extra digestive support to the mix.

Did you know? Prebiotic Orafti® Synergy1 Inulin-FOS has a mild, sweet taste. Prebiotic capsules may be opened and added to shakes, smoothies, coffee, cereals and other foods and drinks to nourish the microbiome, increase fiber intake and add a touch of sweetness.

Related Post: Does Coffee Destroy Gut Flora?


If you're feeling backed up, probiotics and prebiotics can help deliver natural relief. Both are effective, but prebiotic fiber offers benefits that probiotics do not offer, ultimately making it a superior choice for constipation.

Of all the prebiotic supplements on the market, Performance Lab® Prebiotic is #1.

It uses premium-quality Orafti® Synergy1, the most advanced and clinically researched form of prebiotic fiber you can buy.

And, like all Performance Lab® formulas, Prebiotic undergoes extensive quality testing throughout the manufacturing process, ultimately producing a clean, safe and effective supplement.

Prebiotic offers more benefits than a probiotic alone. And, when taken with other Performance Lab formulas, Prebiotic enhances nutrient absorption and helps them to work even better.

For reliable constipation relief that delivers a plethora of additional benefits for overall health and well-being, consider taking the best prebiotic supplement on the market today: Performance Lab® Prebiotic.

Shop Performance Lab® Prebiotic

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